Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s adorable daughter Aaradhya Bachchan turned seven years on old on November 16. The two Bollywood stars hosted a grand birthday bash for their daughter and it was attended by the likes of Shilpa Shetty, Esha Deol, Tara Sharma, Farah Khan and their kids. Amitabh Bachchan, Jaya Bachchan and Shweta Bachchan Nanda were also present to wish the youngest members of their family.

Esha Deol, who attended Aaradhya’s birthday party with her husband Bharat Takhtani and daughter Radhya Takhtani, shared two cute photos. Fans have not been able to stop themselves from gushing over the pictures.

Abhishek-Aishwarya Rai play musical chairs with kids at Aaradhya Bachchan's birthday bash!

The ‘Dhoom’ actress shared the pictures with the caption, ‘’Happy birthday dearest Aradhya !!! Our baby Radhya thoroughly enjoyed every bit of the party! Best wishes & lots of love always from the 3 of us to the 3 of u @aishwaryaraibachchan_arb @bachchan #aradhyabachchan #radhyatakhtani @bharattakhtani3.”

In one of the pictures, Radhya can be seen looking cutely at Aishwarya, making us go aww. Check out the picture right here!

Fans have flooded the comments section with their messages. One of the fans wrote, ‘’ How sweet is this pic. Even Radhya can’t keep her eyes off Aradhya’s mum.’’

(Source- Instagram)

Another wrote, ‘’ Love how cutely Radhya looks at Aish.. We don't blame you lil angel.. everyone looks at her in an aww.’’

(Source- Instagram)

Aishwarya, who was last seen in ‘Fanney Khan’, shared a family photo from the birthday party. Aaradhya can be seen posing  with her mummy Aishwarya, daddy Abhishek, grandfather Big B, aunt Shweta and granddaughter Vrinda Rai in the picture.

Check out the picture!

Abhishek Bachchan has thanked the fans for their warm wishes on Aaradhya's seventh birthday on Twitter. ''Thank you all very much for the warm wishes and the blessings for Aaradhya on her birthday,'' the Manmarziyaan actor wrote on the micro-blogging site.

Watch this space for more updates!

Big B's caption for picture with Abram Khan from Aaradhya's birthday bash is too cute!