A celebrity football match was conducted in Mumbai on Wednesday night and the 'Breathe 2' actor Abhishek Bachchan is a regular player of the team. However this time the actor was joined also by his beautiful wife Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and adorable daugther Aaradhya Bachchan. The celebrity team also included Ranbir Kapoor, Dino Morea, Armaan Jain, Ahan Shetty, Soojit Sircar and other members and the rival team reportedly consisted of the TV actors which included Karan Tacker, Vivian Dsena, Shabbir Ahluwalia and others. Abhishek's family, the mother-daughter duo, arrived at the match venue before the match started and paps clicked Aishwarya getting out of the car wearing a dark blue jersey pairing it with a pair of leggings and sneakers while Aaradhya was in a pink t-shirt and leggings.

Aishwarya Rai arrives with daughter Aaradhya Bachchan for husband Abhishek's celebrity soccer match (Pic: Manav Manglani)

Aishwarya Rai arrives with daughter Aaradhya Bachchan for husband Abhishek's celebrity soccer match (Pic: Manav Manglani)

When they got out of the car and were set to inside, cutie Aaradhya was greeted by in industry member outside.

Aishwarya Rai arrives with daughter Aaradhya Bachchan for husband Abhishek's celebrity soccer match (Pic: Manav Manglani)

Aishwarya Rai arrives with daughter Aaradhya Bachchan for husband Abhishek's celebrity soccer match (Pic: Manav Manglani)

And then Aishwarya and Aaradhya headed for the entry inside and the moment Aaradhya spots her father on the ground, she runs adorably towards him and the daddy picks her up in his arms. Wifey walks upto them too and the three share a family hug which is winning the internet currently.

Aishwarya Rai arrives with daughter Aaradhya Bachchan for husband Abhishek's celebrity soccer match (Pic: Manav Manglani)

Fans have been reacting to the video with adorable comments like.. "cute family[heart emoji]".. "so much love".. and "all daughters do that".

The two ladies then sat on the sidelines and watched the match together. According to Pinkvilla some onlookers also head Aaradhya yell in support of her father saying, "I love you 32". 32 is reportedly the jersey number of Abhishek's.

Sadly the mom and daughter were trolled recently over their latest pictures from a family dinner outing in Mumbai when Aishwarya was spotted holding hands of her 8 yr old daughter.

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan brutally trolled for holding 8-year-old daughter Aaradhya's hand yet again!

Abhishek, Aaradhya and Aishwarya recently went to the Maldives to celebrate their 12th Wedding Anniversary and their precious vacation moments were the talk of the town for days to come.

-Aishwarya Rai Bachchan chills in pool with daughter Aaradhya in Maldives, Abhishek Bachchan shares PIC

-Daughter Aaradhya clicks this ROMANTIC PIC of Mom & Dad 

-Aishwarya Rai Bachchan shares postcard worthy family PIC with Abhishek Bachchan & Aaradhya from Maldives trip

Here's also a video from their soccer match on Wednesday night: