Aamir Khan’s 'Dangal' has released on 4300 screens in India. Dangal is directed by Nitesh Tiwari and doing well on box-office despite demonetisation. While the movie is doing excellent on box-office and being praised all over India & overseas, rumours are that the Pakistan Censor Board hasn’t cleared the film and the movie will not be released in Pakistan due to bureaucratic reasons (according to a report in leading newspaper).

(Photo- Dangal Movie's Facebook page)

Apart from the bureaucratic reasons, it is also said that Indian National anthem is played in the movie which might be an issue for Pakistan. So, Aamir Khan’s ‘Dangal’ might see a few cuts even if the movie is released later.

Pakistan had already banned the screening of Indian movies a few months back due to Indo-Pak tensions. Though, after huge financial loss to Pak cinema, the ban was later removed. On the contrary, the ban in India continues.