Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan and Kiran Rao's film ‘Laapataa Ladies’ has been selected as India's official entry for the Oscars this year, with high hopes for its success at the Academy Awards. In a recent interview with BBC News India, Aamir shared his thoughts on the significance of winning an Oscar for India, stating that if it happens, people will go 'ballistic.'

Kiran Rao's film Laapataa Ladies is India's official entry for the Oscars

When Aamir Khan was asked about the meaning of winning an Oscar for India, he replied, "I am not quite sure how seriously to take a competition. But I would be really happy. It would create tremendous opportunity for the film to be seen by a lot more people because when a film wins an Oscar or Academy award, then people from around the world want to see what it’s like. So it opens a huge window of opportunity for a larger audience for a film."

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Aamir further added, "More important than that, I think Indian are so film crazy and we have been dying to win an Academy Award for an Indian film which hasn’t happenedd till now. So the country would go ballistic. They’ll just go mad if we win. So just for the people of our country, I’d be very happy if we win the award."

In the past, only three Indian films— ‘Mother India’, ‘Salaam Bombay’, and ‘Lagaan’—were nominated in the International Feature category, but none have won an Oscar. While Telugu film ‘RRR’ directed by SS Rajamouli won Best Original Song, and ‘The Elephant Whisperers’ won Best Documentary Short, expectations are now high for ‘Laapataa Ladies’.

The 2025 Oscar nominations will be announced on December 17.

About Aamir Khan

Meanwhile, Aamir Khan is set to star in ‘Sitaare Zameen Par’, alongside Darshal Safary and Genelia Deshmukh, which will release in 2025. He is also supporting Rajkumar Santoshi’s ‘Lahore 1947’, starring Sunny Deol.