A tweet from the official Twitter account of the film on Thursday read: "Relive the historic glory when 15 minions from India ruled over the mammoths of world cricket. Film releases on April 10, 2020."
The Reliance Entertainment movie is being directed by Kabir Khan. Ranveer will be seen playing the role of of star cricketer Kapil Dev.
Ranveer had earlier told IANS: "'83" is an "incredible underdog story. It's an honour to be a part of one of the most incredible sporting stories of our nations history, the 1983 Cricket World Cup. We have the honour of telling this story and mortalising this on celluloid."
"83" follows how, under newly-appointed captain Kapil Dev, the Indian cricket team defeated West Indies in the final of the World Cup in 1983. It tracks the coming-of-age of not just a cricketing team, but of a young nation in the eyes of the world.
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