Bollywood stunner Amy Jackson, who shared screen-space with superstars Rajinikanth & Akshay Kumar in '2.0', is in a happy-space right now. Amy Jackson is dating British multi-millionaire beau George Panayiotou since an year now and the couple got engaged earlier this month on 1st January while celebrating New year 2019 in Zambia in Africa. If the latest reports are to be believed then the actress is following ex-beau Prateik Babbar's footsteps (he recently got hitched) and will got married to fiance George next year in a Greek wedding.
Amy Jackson (Photo: Instagram)
Speaking about the same, a source told a leading daily that, “Amy and George want to tie the knot in early-2020. It will be a Greek wedding.”
Reportedly, Amy & George have already started preparations for the D-Day and will exchange nuptial vows in a destination wedding.
Amy with beau George Panayiotou (Photo: Instagram)
Amy Jackson gets engaged to beau George Panayiotou on New Year; flashes engagement ring in a romantic picture!
“After considering several locations, they decided on Greece because she wanted a beach-side venue for her special day. They are looking at villas near Mykonos Island and will tie the knot as per Christian rituals. Amy fell in love with the beautiful locale when she visited it last year with her husband-to-be,” the source further told DNA.
After keeping their relationship under wraps, Amy Jackson finally confirmed dating George when she wished on the valentine's day last year with a romantic message. Ever since then, the couple are in a steady relationship.
Amy with Rajinikanth in a still from '2.0'
For the uninitiated, during the filming of her first Bollywood film 'Ek Deewana Tha' which released in 2012, Amya Jackson was dating film's lead actor Prateik Babbar. Later, the couple had an ugly breakup. But, both of them have now moved on in their lives and Prateik recently tied the knot with lady love Sanya Sagar on 23rd January.
Stay tuned for more updates!
Amy Jackson & boyfriend George Panayiotou to have a Greek wedding in 2020?
Filmymonkey Team
Updated at:
31 Jan 2019 10:55 AM (IST)
Amy Jackson is dating British multi-millionaire beau George Panayiotou since an year now and the couple got engaged earlier this month on 1st January.
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