New Delhi: Brahmastra, directed by Ayan Mukerji and starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, will hit theatres soon. The long-awaited film will premiere on September 9 after many years in the making. The film's catchy soundtrack, the cast of popular actors, and cinematic style have all contributed to its widespread online buzz. Since images of Shah Rukh Khan on the set of Ayan Mukerji's ‘Brahmastra’ surfaced online, many have speculated that he may play the role of 'Vanar Astra' in the movie.
In a recent interview with Bollywood Hungama, Mouni Roy - who plays the antagonist Junoon, the Queen of Darkness, discussed SRK's cameo, saying, “When you are working with Ranbir, Alia, Bachchan sir, Nagarjuna sir, Shah Rukh sir has also played a guest appearance in it.”
Mouni was originally approached about making a guest appearance in Brahmastra back when she first started working on the project many years ago. The actress continued by saying, “I came on board as a special appearance to it becoming a lengthier role, to me becoming the antagonist and the main villain in the film. It’s one of the most challenging roles that I have ever played.”
While praising the on-screen connection shared by real-life duo Ranbir and Alia, Mouni said, "One thing I tell everybody whenever I get asked about Ranbir-Alia is that they are fire on-screen, they light up on the screen. They’re very natural, they’re very spontaneous."
The three-film series Brahmastra marks the beginning of India's first unique world, called The Astraverse. Brahmastra, Part One: Shiva will premiere in theatres on September 9 in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, and Kannada. Ayan Mukerji directed the film. Director SS Rajamouli is presenting the film in all four of its original languages.