New Delhi: The latest film featuring Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi ‘Merry Christmas’ premiered on January 12 in cinemas. Sriram Raghavan's film takes viewers on a thrilling journey. On opening day, the film was met with average reviews. Sacnilk claims that 'Merry Christmas' grossed 2 crore rupees net on its first day in India across all languages. The film is released in Tamil and Hindi. Sanjay Kapoor, Vinay Pathak, Pratima Kannan, and Tinnu Anand are the stars of Merry Christmas in Hindi. But in the Tamil remake, the same roles were played by Rajesh Williams, Shanmugaraja, Kevin Jay Babu, and Radhika Sarathkumar.
The film's ensemble star cast reportedly contributed to high expectations for its box office performance in India. However, box office receipts for the opening day were dull.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh shared that ‘Merry Christmas’ earned Rs 2.30 cr (Hindi Version) in India on Friday.
The film's opening weekend box office numbers will be fascinating to see. Industry insiders are certain that the film's Katrina and Vijay star power would bring in the crowds.
Sriram Raghavan has created an entertaining film that appeals to a new sort of audience. Therefore, the film has a great chance of maintaining its strong momentum over the weekend and beyond.
ABPLive review of the movie reads: 'Merry Christmas' is adapted from a French novel and draws on a lot of cliches and catchphrases from life and subverts neo noir genre conventions. It's more than just a film that draws on several art forms, especially theatre performing arts. A film that shows some respect to the audience's intellect, 'Merry Christmas' is a great start to 2024 and Sriram Raghavan, Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi, all deserve full marks for it.