New Delhi: Hopes were riding high on Vijay Deverakonda’s Bollywood debut ‘Liger’ that it will end the dry spell of the Hindi film industry but the film has failed to attract audiences to theatres. The Hindi version, which earned around Rs 1.25 crore in paid previews, Rs. 4.50 crore on Friday, has collected Rs 4.10 to Rs 4.50 crore on Saturday, according to Bollywood Hungama.

The film had collected Rs 33.12 crore on its opening day across all languages but the film experienced a drop and collected around 27 crore on the second day. Third-day collection across all languages is still not known. 

According to Bollywood Hungama, Liger is doing good business in places like UP, Bihar, and some other centers in mass belts, whereas the national multiplex chains have stayed low. On Sunday the collection is likely to go down further because of Asia Cup’s India vs Pakistan cricket match. 

The film had a very good advanced booking but bad reviews led to a setback in box office numbers. The film was trashed by critics and audiences alike.  

Liger's review

ABP Live’s review of the film describes ‘Liger’ as a template too old for the theatrical experience. The review read: “The Vijay Deverakonda and Ananya Panday starrer is like any typical-action comedy which goes way too above and below, and returns to the familiar formula territory without delivering anything substantial. Had it not been for the performances of Vijay Deverakonda, Ramya Krishnan and Ronit Roy, 'Liger' would be a recipe for disaster.” 

“As audiences, you are left reeling from the catastrophic effects of the confusion of a filmmaker trying to deliver a masala-entertainer in post-COVID times. Without being harsh, 'Liger' is outdated and perhaps for now, the formula-film can be given a break. While as an audience, you are aware that most films were shot during/before/after the pandemic unaware of the changing consumption sensibilities of the audience, filmmakers cannot keep living in the pre-pandemic syntax when life-as-we-know-it has now completely changed.”