New Delhi: Telugu actor Lakshmi Manchu attended the SIIMA (South Indian International Movie Awards), which took place in Dubai. At the ceremony, she was decked in a grey saree, looking elegant and stylish. But, despite this, she had a strange encounter while giving an interview at the award show. While she was speaking to the interviewer, a man walked in front of the camera. Lakshmi got annoyed at this and hit the man, much to the amazement of netizens.
A video of Lakshmi Manchu hitting the man and yelling at another for walking in front of the camera is going viral on social media. In the video, it can be seen that Lakshmi, being angry at them said, "Go behind the camera, dude. Basic."
Additionally, she took to her Instagram handle to share pictures showcasing her look for the award night. She captioned the post saying, "Crowned in glamour, draped in elegance for SIIMA Telugu & Tamil Awards Night"
Talking abou Lakshmi Manchu, she is the daughter of the renowned actor Mohan Babu and film producer Vidya Devi.
In addition to her work in Telugu cinema, Lakshmi has also ventured into American television with roles in series such as 'Las Vegas,' 'Desperate Housewives,' 'Late Nights With My Lover,' and 'Mystery ER'.
In the Telugu film industry, she made her debut as an actress in the movie 'Anaganaga O Dheerudu' in 2011. Additionally, er filmography includes projects like 'Lakshmi Bomb', 'W/O Ram,' 'Pitta Kathalu,' 'Monster,' 'Guntur Talkies,' and more.
In her personal life, she tied the knot with Andy Srinivasan, an IT professional from Chennai, in 2006. The couple has a daughter together.