New Delhi: 'Kundali Bhagya' fame actress Shraddha Arya seems to have bagged a project with Jaran Johar's production house Dharma Productions. According to media reports circulating, the actress who has also worked in films before will be returning to the silver screen with a Dharma film. Sharddha is also an active celebrity on Instagram with a huge fan following.

Shraddha recently shared a series of pictures with Karan Johar and captioned them, "All In A Day’s Work ❤️🧿."In all the candids, we see a very happy Shraddha pose with Karan.

Off late, Shradhha shared a series of videos on her handle which revealed that she is shooting for something special which involves coffee, a hamper and Karan- could this be a reference to 'Koffee With Karan'?

Shraddha also shared a handwritten note from Karan which said, "Dearest Shraddha, Welcome to the Dharma family, All my love, Karan," ETimes stated in a report.


No other details barring the ones mentioned have been released or confirmed officially. It seems that the project has been kept under wraps, whatever it may be. The actress shared a video from her vanity van and it flashed her name with Dharma Productions written on it. Other than this, we know nothing.

Shraddha's recent pictures also confirms collaboration but for what, fans will have to wait and see.

Currently, Shraddha plays the super-likable Dr. Preeta on the TV show 'Kundali Bhagya'. Shraddha started her career in films with a Tami film 'Kalvanin Kadhali' in 2006. She was also seen in the film 'Nishabd' and later a Telugu film titled 'Godava'. However, later Shraddha shifted focus to work in TV where she did many popular shows like 'Tumhari Paakhi', 'Dream Girl' and 'Main Lakshmi Tere Aangan Ki.'