New Delhi: Kubbra Sait was recently seen in 'The Trial: Pyaar Kaanoon Dhokha' on Disney+ Hotstar which is directed by Suparn Verma. The film is an adaptation of Robert King and Michelle King's 'The Good Wife' and Kubbra essayed the role of Sana Shaikh. In a candid conversation with ABP Live over a video call, Kubbra shared her experience in working with Kajol and also spoke about the show as a whole. She said, "Every single actor in this show got fit into it seamlessly like a glove and that's a really good thing,"
Talking about Kajol, Kubbra was all in praise for her. She said, "She is an incredible human being and an exceptional ctor. She is very very good with her lines and is extremely collaborative. Additionally, she is also a team player."
"Our set was a small and closed one. So, we were never far apart from one another. We used to sit in between shots as no one would go to their vanity van and we used to hang out with each other. Hence, it became really easy to get to know her as a person as well and she is just one of the finest and the kindest people I have ever worked with," she further went on to say.
In additon to that, Kubbra also mentioned that Kajol used to write affirmations in the notebooks that were used for shoot. She said, "Since it was an office set up, so each one of us used to have diaries. Now, our diaries often used to get exchanged and if we opened a page, there would be an affirmations. She was not writing those for anyone specifically, she was just writing... and one such affirmation ended up with me once. She would scribble what's in her mind and her state of mind would be an affirmation for someone else"
Kubbra also spoke about the show which is an adaptation of 'The Good Wife' which ran for seven years and had quite a number of episodes.
She said, "The show was strongly believed in by the makers here because it is a story of such power and importance especially in the time of evolution that we are in right now in our country, when we are speaking of equal rights and that women do not have to feel like they can do only one thing, where we question the status of a working woman vs. a woman who runs a home, morality... We have gotten so used to see people dabble between two shades- either its black or its white."
"We have a very novel and concised way to tell you a story in today's time, led by very powerful women, supported by extremely sensitive and powerful men in positions and otherwise, that is so beautifully designed according to our fabric today. So, 'The Trial' comes to us at a time when you have a Noyonika, which could be anyone at the world that we live in, we come with Malini who could be any person who has similar moralities or confuson... or you have a Sana, who comes with her own baggage. So, its a beautiful shade of grey that is given to every character which feels very real in the world that we live in today," she further went on to say.
'The Trial' was released on July 14 n Disney+ Hotstar. After 'The Trial', on the work front, she will next be seen in 'Shehar Lakhot' on Amazon Prime Video.