New Delhi: After Anurag Kashyap has come out supporting Sandeep Reddy Vanga and his film 'Animal', actor-filmmaker Konkana Sen Sharma has shared thoughts on the same. Konkana shared that she didn't feel like watching 'Animal' because it is not her kind of film. In an interview clip, which has been doing the rounds on Reddit, we see an ever graceful and artculate Konkana share her thoughts on 'Animal' and its director in a respectable manner.

During an ANI Podcast with Smitha Prakash Clips, Konkana shares that she doesn't mind watching sex or violence if they connect to the plot of the film or have a well-intentioned motive. 

About the toxic masculinity, Konkana shared, "I personally don't have problem with depicting violence on screen as long as there is very good reason for it. For example, even sex, I don't have a problem with viewing sex but I don't want to be there just for the sake of it. I don't want to see violence just for the sake of it. There has to be a reason why it's there in the film, because it connects to the character, it connects to the plot or whatever, it has to justify itself. That is one thing. Why is it there? What is the intent of the director?”


"But from what I understand, I may be mistaken, I have not watched Animal because I don't feel it's my kind of film. I haven't really been drawn to it even from the reviews an things. Also, I am aware of his previous work and he stands by that work, the director, where stalking has been glorified, certain violence has been made acceptable in relationships, and that's not what I stand for. If it's done very well, I don't mind watching it. But that's not what I have heard. And I don't think I am the target audience anyway. There are millions of people who are watching it, so it's doing very well, they don't need me," she added.

Konkana's clip on Reddit has been hailed by fans. A user wrote, "So graceful, elegant and poised! Queen Konkona!” “You can be polite, sensible and still give a bang on response like her! Learn from Konkona, people.” Another said, “Ugh she's everything, perfect points made while also stating her ethical stand on it.” 

Meanwhile, on the work front, Konkana Sen Sharma was most recently seen in ‘The Killer Soup’.