New Delhi: 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 14' host and superstar Amitabh Bachchan opened up about his love of dogs. The veteran seemed to be having lots of fun while hosting the Thursday night Children's special episode of the show. Mr. Bachchan was seen discussing his love for dogs with the show's participant Manya Chamoli. 

When Amitabh Bachchan asked her about her love for dogs, the young girl said that she wished to buy a big house where she can easily get three pet dogs matching the temperaments of her parents and herself.

When Big B asked her what she meant, she explained that she would get a  Beagle for herself as they are as playful as her, a Labrador for her father as these dogs are calm and loving, and a Rottweiler dog for her mother, suggesting that she scolds her a lot.  When Amitabh Bachchan asks the girl what dog would Manya get for him, the latter said that she would get him a Siberian Husky for the senior actor.


Manya also asked Amitabh Bachchan to share something about his dogs to which he said, "We had many dogs but when they pass away, it is quite heartbreaking for us. Now, Jaya is also saying we shouldn’t bring dogs as we can’t bear the pain of losing them. When they passed away, we buried them in our lawns and grew plants in their memory. We had an ST Bernard and to keep it in suitable weather, we used to make him sit on an ice plank.”


The host Big B also spoke about how everyone's life came to a halt during the pandemic and how children made the most of it. He also drew comparisons between the COVID-19 pandemic to the Great Plague in London when Issac Newton, then in his 20s. discovered the idea of gravity.