New Delhi: Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan has been making the headlines for his recent spat with filmmaker Karan Johar. Last month, KJo’s production company Dharma Productions announced in an official statement that they have dropped Kartik from their upcoming project ‘Dostana 2’ which the ‘Dhamaka’ actor was earlier a part of. The production house cited ‘professional circumstances’ as the reason to drop Kartik Aaryan.
Though Kartik has not yet said anything on this matter, he is very active on social media and keeps on entertaining his fans with his witty posts. He is known for coming up with fun and witty captions.
Kartik shared a picture on his Instagram where he can be seen sitting beside a statue that has its mouth opened. The ‘Pyaar Ka Punchnama’ actor can be seen sliding his head inside that statue and captioned the picture as, “Corona sliding into UnMasked Faces like…”
As soon as the ‘Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety’ actor shared the post, fans started commenting. One user wrote, ‘Undoubtedly caption king’, while another commented, ‘Funny funny but so true!! U r awesome boss!’
A few days back, Kartik also shared a funny post with a picture of himself from the movie ‘Pati Patni Aur Woh’. He gave a funny caption for the post and wrote, “When you’re 45+ but hv to wait till 1st May for vaccine bcoz your wife has told the mohalla you’re 41 🥸 Registrations open today 📝”
Speaking on the work front, Kartik will be next seen starring in the movie ‘Dhamaka’ and ‘Bhool Bhulaiya 2’.
ALSO READ | Kartik Aaryan Gives A Shoutout To All COVID-19 Warriors On Hanuman Jayanti
Stay tuned for more updates.