New Delhi: As Ranbir Kapoor turned a year older today, his cousin Karisma Kapoor wished him in a special way. Taking to her official Instagram handle, Karisma shared an old picture of herself with a young boy Ranbir and captioned it, "Two very special Kapoor's were born today! One who's soon to be a dad. And the other one who has the kindest heart. Happy Birthday Rima Aunty and Happy 40th Ranbir." Karisma also shared a picture with Rima Kapoor.
In the picture which she shared with Ranbir, we see Karisma in high-rise flared jeans with a pink top and beige cardigan. Karisma's wavy hair and no makeup look suits her perfectly. Snow-clad mountains form the backdrop. Ranbir, on the other hand, stands in front of Karisma wearing an all-denim outfit, looking dapper as ever.
Besides Karisma, Kareena also wished Rima Kapoor through her Instagram stories. Sharing a picture of Rima with her son Taimur, Kareena wrote, "Happy birthday to one of my most favourite people. My Rima aunty @rimosky."
Neetu Kapoor also wished Ranbir Kapoor with a post on Instagram. She shared a picture with her son and captioned it, "This has been quite a milestone year for You for US !!! Miss your father as he would have been the happiest proudest I'm sure he is orchestrating from up there !!! Happy birthday love you the mostestttt rana. You are my Shakti Astra #bestfriend #strength."
Producer and filmmaker Karan Johar also shared a picture of Ranbir Kapoor and penned a heartfelt note through his Instagram story. Karan wrote, "Happy Birthday to our SID, BUNNY, AYAN and SHIVA!!!! Love you RK."
Ayan Mukerji, the director of 'Brahmastra' shared with Ranbir's character Shiva's theme music on his birthday.
On Ranbir’s special day, he hosted a get-together at his Vastu residence which was graced by many celebs like Neetu Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur, Ayan Mukerji, Luv Ranjan, Shaheen Bhatt Rohit Dhawan, and Arti Shetty, Pinkvilla reported.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Ranbir Kapoor delivered ‘Brahmastra’ a science-fiction epic which has razed the box office and turned the tide for Bollywood films at the box office.