On Saturday, Kareena Kapoor Khan shared an adorable picture on Instagram where her hubby Saif turned hair-stylist for their son Taimur. The actor was holding a pair of scissors while the little boy cooperates patiently.
"Haircut anyone?" captioned Kareena Kapoor on her post.

Soon as the actress posted the super-cute pic of the daddy-son duo, fans showered love in the comment section.
While comments like "sweet", "cute" and "cutie" flooded the post, looks like it didn’t go well with some on social media users who bashed the actress saying that her action was insensitive given that she had just lost her uncle Rishi Kapoor two days back.

One fan wrote, “Your family had such a big loss just a few days ago. How can u joke even?” Another commented, “arent u supposed to be mourning? shouldve respect that by not posting anything on ur ig as if nothing happened.” “Enjoy kese kr lete ho yrr, 2 din bhi pure ni huve abhi tak,” commented another fan.

pic credit: Instagram

pic credit: instagram

Rishi Kapoor died in a Mumbai hospital on April 30. He was 67 and had been battling leukemia from last to years.

For the uninitiated, Rishi Kapoor was diagnosed with cancer in 2018. The actor underwent treatment in New York for over a year and later returned to Mumbai.