New Delhi: Kajol Devgan is busy with the promotions of her upcoming film 'Salaam Venky'. Recently, a video of the actress with the filmmaker-actor Revathy has gone viral. In the video, we see Kajol and her co-star from the film Vishal Jethwa pose for the paparazzi. As Kajol calls her director Revathy to pose with them, we see a paparazzi conscious Revathy refuse to pose as Kajol insists. 

As per reports, the video is from behind the sets of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'. The cast and director of 'Salaam Venky' had gone to promote their film on the comedy show. In the clip, we see Kajol insist Revathy to join them and say, "At least you can stand with us na, if nothing else.” After Kajol says this, Revathy joins them for some time and goes to the back again. 

When Kajol says, "See, I am wearing bangles for the film.." and tries to call Revathy back, we see another person walk towards them. Just as this happens, Revathy says," No, you don’t come near me." Soon after the video began circulating on social media platforms, a user wrote, "Awww too sweet!"


'Salaam Venky' also stars Rahul Bose, Rajeev Khandelwal, Prakash Raj, Ahana Kumra and Vishal Jethwa. Aamir Khan will also be making a guest appearance in the film. The film is based on the life of a mother and her son, who suffers from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and is set to be released on December 9. 

'Salaam Venky's trailer was launched last month in Mumbai and the trailer received much appreciation from audiences. 

The film has been produced by Suuraj Sinngh, Shraddha Agrawal, and Varsha Kukreja under the banner BLIVE Productions and RTAKE Studios.