Bollywood actress Kajol, stepped out to attend Durga Puja celebrations with her close ones in Mumbai on Tuesday. Every year Kajol and her extended Mukerji family have a big reunion  as they meet up in the pandal during Durga Puja.

Kajol Looks Resplendent In Pink Saree For Durga Puja Celebration- See Pics

However, this year the actress got emotional on meeting her family members. In a video doing the rounds on social media, Kajol can be seen breaking down to tears, she is seen clinging to her uncles as they comfort her. Later, she is seen wiping her tears as she continues to converse with them.

Decked up in a bright pink sari with her hair neatly tied in a bun the actress looked pretty as ever as she greeted her uncles at the pandal by giving them a hug. She can be seen clung to them as the actress met her uncles after a long time, due to the coronavirus pandemic. Last year, the family didn’t organise the puja and so Kajol met them after almost two years and couldn’t hold back her tears.  

On a related note, Kajol went to Singapore with her daughter Nysa, who is enrolled at a school there, to spend time with her during the pandemic. Earlier this year, the actress made her digital debut with the film, Tribhanga - Tedhi Medhi Crazy