New Delhi: On April 7, Korean actor and singer Lee Seung-Gi married his longtime lover, Lee Da-I in Seoul. Photos and videos of the ceremony have been shared online and their admirers can't get enough. The happy couple looked as dazzling as ever surrounded by their loved ones on their special day. Lee Seung Gi wore a traditional black tuxedo with a white shirt and a bow tie, ready for a dashing sight. The bride, on the other hand, was a vision in her white ball gown.

Lee Dong Wook, Kim Nam-Gil, Cha Eun-woo, Jay Park, Joshua Yeon-seok, Bae Suzy, Han Hyo-joo and Hoshi of Seventeen were all in attendance as well as many other close friends.

The happy couple opted for a traditional white wedding to commemorate their union. Have a peek at their beautiful wedding pictures:

Lee Seung-Gi and Lee Da-In have been together since May 2021 when they made their romance official. Earlier this year, in February, seungi proposed to the actress.

Songs like ‘Because You're My Lady,’ ‘Would You Marry Me,’ ‘Return,’ and ‘The Ordinary Guy’ by Lee Seung-gi are among his many chart toppers. His K-drama resume also includes roles in ‘Vagabond’, ‘The Law Café’, and ‘Mouse’.