New Delhi: After over ten years, a special Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) court in Mumbai is expected to render a decision about actor Jiah Khan's death on Friday. On June 3, 2013, the 'Ghajini' actor's body was discovered at her Mumbai home. Last week, special CBI judge AS Sayyad reserved his decision in the case until April 28 after listening to the closing arguments from both sides.

Here's taking a look at all that we know about Jiah Khan's death case:

1. Actor Sooraj Pancholi was detained after the Mumbai Police filed a Section 306 (abetment to suicide) complaint against him based on a letter that was allegedly written by Jiah Khan, 25, and was confiscated on June 10, 2013.

2. Jiah, best known for her role in Amitabh Bachchan's 'Nishabd', was supposedly in a relationship with Sooraj, son of actors Aditya Pancholi and Zarina Wahab. Rabia Khan, Jiah's mother, claimed that her daughter had been murdered.

3. Rabia filed a petition with the Bombay High Court in October 2013 asking for a CBI investigation into the case and asserting that her daughter had been murdered.

4. Rabia additionally alleged that her daughter Jiah was in an abusive relationship with Sooraj Pancholi. In September 2012, Sooraj and Jiah supposedly began dating.

5. In July 2014, the CBI assumed control of the investigation from the Maharashtra Police on an order from the Bombay High Court.

6. A six-page letter allegedly written by Jiah, who was discovered hanging in her Juhu residence, served as the foundation for Sooraj Pancholi's criminal charges. According to the CBI, the note detailed her "intimate relationship, physical abuse, and mental and physical torture" that she reportedly endured at the hands of Sooraj and that ultimately drove her to commit suicide.

7. After the sessions court asserted that it lacked jurisdiction over the matter because the CBI had investigated it, the case was reallocated to a special CBI court in 2021.

8. Rabia said that neither the police nor the CBI had gathered sufficient proof to show that her daughter had committed suicide.

9. Sooraj asserted that the investigation and chargesheet were fraudulent in his last statement submitted to the court, and that witnesses for the prosecution had testified against him at the direction of complainant Rabia, the police, and the CBI.

10. 22 witnesses, including Jiah's mother, were cross-examined by the prosecution. Sooraj's attorney, Prashant Patil, argued that the prosecution had not established its case beyond a reasonable doubt.