New Delhi: On Thursday, Bollywood lyricist Javed Akhtar urged former First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama to return to the White House, saying that the country and the globe need her. Michelle Obama was approached by Javed Akhtar on Twitter while she was promoting the forthcoming tour for her book ‘The Light We Carry’, which promises to deliver anecdotes and deep thoughts. 

Prior to the book's publication on November 15, Michelle will make promotional stops in cities including Washington, DC, Philadelphia, Atlanta, Chicago, San Francisco, and Los Angeles.

On Twitter, Javed expressed his thoughts, “Dear Ms Michelle Obama , I am not some young crazy fan but a 77 years old writer/ poet from India .hopefully any Indian would know my name . Madame please take my words seriously , not only US but the world needs you in White House . You shouldn’t shrug off this responsibility.”

After his tweet, several users on the internet mocked Javed and his advise. Check out some of the trolls:

After Barack Obama's second term as president concluded in January 2017, he and his wife Michelle left the White House. She breaks new ground by becoming the first African-American woman to serve as First Lady of the United States.