New Delhi: Janhvi Kapoor has been receiving rave reviews for her recent release 'Mili' which was released in the theatres recently. Now, Janhvi has taken some time off from her hectic schedule to give a tour of her Chennai home to a leading magazine on fashion. The 25-year-old was seen welcoming the crew of Vogue India into her house. Janhvi began the video with, "Hi guys, welcome to my Chennai house". Jabhvi then goes on to show her father Boney Kapoor's office, paintings made by Sridevi, other rooms of the house including a 'secret room' and her favourite part of the house-'a memorabilia wall'.
Janhvi also revealed that, "It was the first property that mom (Sridevi) ever bought and it was very different when she bought it and she decided to do it up after she got married."
Janhvi Kapoor also shared that there is a secret room in the house about which she does not know much. Janhvi Kapoor then gave a glimpse of their living room and said, "I spend most of my time here with my sister (Khushi Kapoor)." Janhvi Kapoor also gave a glimpse of the gym and called it her 'sanctuary'.
The 'Mili' actress also shared that all the paintings on the wall in that area were made by her and sister Khushi during the lockdown.
Janhvi Kapoor has starred in quite a few projects and made a mark in each of them. Janhvi has worked in films in 'Dhadak', 'Roohi', 'Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl', 'Ghost Stories', and 'GoodLuck Jerry'. Janhvi's upcoming projects also include 'Dostana 2', 'Bawaal' and 'Mr And Mrs Mahi'.
Sridevi, on the other hand, has acted in 300 films in a career spanning over five decades. She died in Dubai in 2018 while attending a family wedding. Sridevi was last seen in MOM (2017) which was produced by her husband Boney Kapoor for which she was conferred with the National Film Award for the Best Actress in 2018 posthumously.