New Delhi: Expectations were high from Ranbir Kapoor, Vaani Kapoor, and Sanjay Dutt starrer 'Shamshera' but the film bombed at the box office. The film, which marked Ranbir Kapoor’s return to the silver screen after almost four years, was rejected by both audiences and critics and the film tanked at the ticket window. 

Shamshera’s director Karan Malhotra has now opened up about his film’s failure in a long Twitter note. He defended his film and wrote: "My Dearest Shamshera, you are majestic the way you are. It is important for me to express myself on this platform because here is where all the love, the hate, the celebration and the humiliation exists for you." 
"I want to unimaginably apologise to you for abandoning you for these past few days as I could not handle the hate and rage. My withdrawal was my weakness and there are no excuses for it. But now I am here, standing beside you hand in hand feeling proud and honoured that you are mine." 
The director added: "Will face every thing together, the good the bad and the ugly." 
"And a huge shout out to the Shamshera family, the cast and crew of Shamshera. The love, the blessings and the concern that has been showered upon us are the most precious and nobody can take that away from us. #Shamsheraismine #Shamshera." 

Earlier in an interview with ABP News, when Ranbir Kapoor was asked how confident he is about the film, the actor had said, “I am excited about the film but being confident is a big word. No filmmaker or actor is fully confident about their film as there is always an anticipation of how the audience will take the film. A film is like a baby and everyone associated gives their love, sweat, and more to it. So, it’s always a mixed feeling with lots of emotions. Happiness, Excitement yes but fully confident, not so much. “ 

The film, which opened in over 4000 screens in the country, has managed to collect 36-37 crore in five days.