Actress Geeta Basra recently gave birth to her second child - son Jovan Veer Singh on July 10. Wife of former Indian cricketer Harbhajan Singh Geeta got candid about suffering from two miscarriages before giving birth to her son.

Geeta recently revealed her newborn’s son name as she took to Instagram and shared a picture of her two children. She revealed that the couple has named their son as Jovan Veer Singh Plaha.

And now in an interview with ETimes, Geeta got very candid and shared that their son arrived after she had two miscarriages. 'My son Jovan is a rainbow baby', she said. She revealed that her first miscarriage happened in 2019 and the second one in 2020. In both instances, Geeta was in her first trimester. Both times, Harbhajan was by her side, first time (in 2019), her husband Harbhajan Singh flew down from Punjab to be by her side, while during her second miscarriage in 2020, they were together due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Geeta urged women who have suffered miscarriages to not lose hope and ‘suffer in silence yearning for a child’. She continued: “The last two years have been traumatic for me no doubt but I held myself from breaking down. A woman's hormones after a miscarriage go up and down a lot, which, in turn, makes it extremely difficult for her to maintain her composure. I kept myself strong and did not allow that meltdown to happen.”

After her second miscarriage, Geeta and Harbhajan shifted to her in-laws' place in Punjab. It was at her in-laws' house when Geeta realised that she was pregnant for the fourth time. "I decided to completely rest it out in the first trimester. I just took my vitamins and waited for the first three months to get over. After that, we came to Mumbai, and a little later, I took to yoga. That helped me a lot. Long works in the last trimester were a given. My gut instinct told me that this time all will go well. Touchwood, it did".