New Delhi: Bollywood actress Alaya F cuts her birthday cake on November 28. The 25-year-old actress made her blockbuster debut with 'Jawaani Jaaneman' along with Saif Ali Khan in the movie. She is currently gearing up for the release of 'Freddy' on December 2, 2022. Today, Alaya F has several films aligned for release, through which she is all set and steadfast to prove her mettle as an actress. While the actress is only one film old, she has established herself as one of the key performers with her debut film. Now, with 'Freddy' all set to release, the audience is excited to see what this newcomer has in store for them.
Here is a look at the films that are in Alaya F’s kitty:
Alaya F starrer Freddy has already built a whirlpool of excitement amongst the audience with its nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat plotline. The audience is thrilled to see her in the role of Kainaaz,Freddy’s obsession. Alaya F is playing a significant role in the film and it will be interesting to see where Kainaaz’s story leads to.
U Turn:
U Turn, starring Alaya F in the lead, will be seen playing the role of a journalist, who finds herself getting involved in the mysterious deaths of several people who take a U-turn on a highway by removing roadblocks. Produced by Ektaa R Kapoor, the film is still under production.
Srikanth Bolla:
Alaya F is teaming up with Rajkummar Rao for her Srikanth Bolla backed by Bhushan Kumar and Nidhi Parmar. The prep work on the film has been going on for a while now and the team along with the actors have been doing multiple workshops and ice-breaking sessions over the last few weeks.
Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat
Directed by Anurag Kashyap, Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat, stars Alaya F and Karan Mehta. The film recently premiered at Marrakech Film Festival, where the actress marked her debut at the festival.