'Gully Boy' actors Ranveer Singh and Siddhant Chaturvedi are mourning the death of Dharmesh Parmar aka rapper MC Tod Fod, who passed away at the age of 24. The Mumbai Street rapper who was famous for his Gujrati lyrics, MC Tod Fod of one of the soundtrack artists of ‘Gully Boy.’ Details about the cause of his death have not been revealed and Tod Fod's band Swadesi has confirmed his death via Instagram post.
Taking to his Instagram Story, Ranveer shared a picture of the rapper who lent his voice to the song 'India 91' for 'Gully Boy'. He added a broken heart emoticon.
Siddhant Chaturvedi also extended his condolences by sharing a screenshot of his conversation with the late Gujarati rapper, in which the who can be seen appreciating each other for their music and performance.
He wrote, "RIP bhai," along with a broken-heart emoticon.
According to reports, an investigation is currently going on to find the out the reason behind the rapper's death.