New Delhi: Actress Gehna Vashistha, who has been arrested recently for making and uploading porn videos, has been accused of gang rape reportedly. On this, the ‘Gandi Baat’ actress’ spokeswoman Flynn Remedios has issued an official statement which says that the charge against Gehana is baseless. The spokesperson said that no gangrape has taken place. Flynn further revealed in the statement that the models got themselves shot with their own will and took money for it. Now, Gehana has been framed for money.

ALSO READ | Gehana Vasisth Arrest: Actress’ Team Releases Official Statement, Says ‘Made A Victim By Vested Interests’

Flynn said, “All the models who shot with Gehana Vashisht have signed legal contracts. Videos of their consent were also recorded. Some unscrupulous models are taking advantage of the trapped situation of Gehana Vasisth and demanding extortion money. The model who has accused her, shot with her about a month ago, so why is she now accusing of gangrape?”

Flynn further revealed, “These allegations and the case are fake. When these models did not have work during the lockdown, they came to shoot with Gehna Vasishth Production House and took the fees. Now, they are accusing her of rape and using the law to protect herself. Two models had demanded Rs 30 lakh from Gehana and filed a case against her. There are eight models who suddenly stood up against Gehana Vasisth. There was no problem when they shot and took the fees.”

The Property Cell of the Crime Branch arrested the actress on February 6, 2021, for her alleged role in shooting and uploading porn videos on a website. It is alleged that Gehana used to ask newcomers and strugglers to do a good role in porn videos and then earn millions of rupees by uploading that video on two different websites. At the same time, the crime branch's property cell wrote a letter to the bank and sought details of the bank account transactions of the accused Umesh Kamat and model-actress Gehana Vasisth.

ALSO READ | Gehana Vasisth Arrested In Porn Scandal, Here’s All You Need To Know About The ‘Gandi Baat’ Actress

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