New Delhi: Filmmaker Leena Manimekalai has landed under much controversy for hurting the religious sentiments of the Hindu community with the poster of her documentary 'Kaali', that shows Goddess Kaali smoking a cigarette with one of her hands and bearing the pride flag in another.

As per an ANI tweet, UP police has registered an FIR on charges of criminal conspiracy, offense in place of worship, deliberately hurting religious sentiments, intention to provoke breach of peace against filmmaker Leena Manimekalai for her movie 'Kaali' about disrespectful depiction of Hindu Gods.

Check out the tweet here:


The filmmaker is receiving worlwide flak for hurting religious sentiments of the Hindu community, by depicting one of their Goddesses in such form. The documentary 'Kaali' that was showcased at Aga Khan museum in Toronto, has urged the organisers to withdraw all provocative material.

Take a look at the controversial poster here:

The Indian High Commission in Canada has urged the organisers to withdraw all provocative material. Meanwhile, in her interview to various media portals, in lieu of the 'Kaali' poster controversy, Leena Manimekalai said that she would invite trolls to watch the movie. She also said that the people opposing the poster have nothing to do with hate and that their fuel is hate.

ALSO READ: 'Kaali' Poster Controversy: Indian High Commission In Canada Urges Makers To 'Withdraw Provocative Material'