Bollywood actor and director Mahesh Manjrekar has received threats from a person allegedly linked to underworld don Abu Salem. Mumbai Police has said that the accused who made an extortion call was demanding Rs 35 crore from the actor. The person has now been arrested by the anti-extortion cell and the police is investigating further the links of the accused.

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As per a report in Maharashtra Times, Mahesh Manjrekar had been receiving threatening messages on WhatsApp for the last two days. “Director & actor Mahesh Manjrekar received an extortion call from a person, in the name of underworld don Abu Salem. Anti-extortion cell has arrested an accused, who was trying to extort Rs 35 crore through the threat call,” Mumbai police stated.

As per reports, the anti-Ransom squad was approached by Manjrekar a day before, over the name of underworld don Abu Salem. Mahesh Manjrekar, who is credited with directing the critically acclaimed film 'Vaastav: The Reality,' and has a National Film Award to his name, had launched his daughter into the showbiz with Salman Khan’s Dabangg 3.

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The links between underworld and Bollywood is not a new thing now, several revelations have been made in media reports in this regard. Several actors’ names including that of Salman Khan and Shah Rukh Khan have allegedly been linked with underworld dons.

Recently, after the mysterious death of Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput, singer Sonu Nigam had brought the name of Abu Salem back in news, during his verbal war with Divya Kmar  Khosla. In his video attacking Bhushan Kumar and Divya Kumar, Sonu Nigam had said, "Do you even remember the times you would come to my house requesting me to record an album for you? ‘Bhai, record Deewana for me. Introduce me to Smita Thackeray and Bal Thackeray. Save me from Abu Salem’. Don’t mess with me, I am warning you.”