New Delhi: On November 18, 2022, Ajay Devgn's ‘Drishyam 2’ premiered in theatres. After a hiatus of seven years, Drishyam returned to theatres with a sequel that again resonated with viewers. The Ajay Devgn-starring film directed by Abhishek Pathak has had a great start at the box office. The picture did quite well at the box office after its first day and received rave reviews. Tabu, Shriya Saran, and Ishita Dutta join Akshaye Khanna in this flick. 

There was a huge opening day for 'Drishyam 2' at the box office with a total of Rs. 15.38 crores in revenue. 

Trade analyst, Taran Adarsh wrote on Twitter, “#Drishyam2 REJUVENATES the industry that was going through a turbulent phase after a string of failures… 🔥 Takes a FLYING START on Day 1 🔥 SECOND BIGGEST START of 2022 [outright #Hindi films] 🔥 ₹ 50 cr+ weekend on the cards Fri ₹ 15.38 cr. #India biz.”

It's just that 2022 has been very skewed toward low numbers, so when numbers as good as these come along that are on par with pre-pandemic levels, there's good reason to celebrate. 

'Drishyam 2' has been directed by Abhishek Pathak and is the remake of the 2021 Malayalam film of the same name besides also being a sequel to the crime thriller 'Drishyam' which was released in 2015.

With Ajay Devgn and Tabu, this suspense film has all the makings of a blockbuster. According to ABPLive review of the movie, “Drishyam 2 offers a good closure to both the Salgaonkar and Deshmukh family with a reiteration of what Vijay Salgaonkar had said in the first part about his family. 'Drishyam 2’ does not follow its characters around but achieves even greater effect by connecting plot points and not reiterating the film (directly or indirectly) in a scene.”