New Delhi: After a solid opening weekend, Ayushmann Khurrana's new film ‘Doctor G’ tanked on its first Monday. The film's prospects of success at the box office have been diminished as a result of a 60 per cent dip in Monday's collections.
According to a report from Box Office India, Doctor G made Rs 1.5 crore on Monday, which is around 60 per cent less than the amount it collected on Sunday.
The box office total for Doctor G after its first four days is now hanging at Rs 16.70 crore. The week after Diwali may see fewer audiences than usual since people are busy getting ready for the festival.
'Doctor G' is co-written by Sumit Saxena, Vishal Wagh, Saurabh Bharat, and Kashyap. The film marks the directorial debut of Anubhuti Kashyap.
“Doctor G is a coming-of-age comedy-drama set in a medical campus and is a compelling and hilarious look at a male gynaecologist surviving an otherwise female-dominated world. Ayushmann Khurrana has done an amazing job essaying the role of Doctor Uday Gupta. He along with Shefali Shah and Rakul Preet Singh has brought so much to their individual roles that can make one relate to these characters and situations. The film addresses gender stereotypes in his personal and professional life enveloped in comedy and is something that will appeal to young-India," Anubhuti said in a statement.
The college comedy ‘Doctor G’, in which Shefali Shah and Rakul Preet Singh also feature, debuted to a variety of reactions from moviegoers upon its release.
ABPLive review of the movie reads, “'Doctor G' deserves a mention especially with the way it deals with adult friendships between men and women. This is done quite maturely between Rakul Preet Singh and Ayushmann's character; both of whom do these scenes really perceptively. In all, 'Doctor G' is a well-intentioned entertainer with moments to watch out for.”