Mumbai: Legendary actor Dilip Kumar who was admitted to Hinduja Hospital in Mumbai due to severe breathing problems is under the treatment of Dr. Nitin Gokhale. However, Dr. Jalil Parkar, who has been treating Dilip Kumar for a long time, is also keeping an eye on his health. Dr. Parkar, who once again arrived to see Dilip Kumar in the hospital, told ABP News that his health is much better and stable after being admitted and he can be discharged from the hospital soon.
While speaking to ABP News, Dr. Salil said, “His oxygen level was very low on Sunday. Fortunately, but due to the ongoing treatment since yesterday, his oxygen level has become much better and the water accumulated in his lungs has also been removed to a great extent.”
Dr. Parkar told that Dilip Kumar's condition has remained stable. Although, keeping in mind his deteriorating health, it has been decided not to do any kind of invasive or non-invasive surgery on Dilip Kumar. He told ABP News that after being admitted, all kinds of tests were done including blood test and CT scan. He was also under oxygen support continuously due to difficulty in breathing. The doctor also confirmed to ABP News that Dilip Kumar has been admitted to the general ward from the very beginning and given his health, he did not need to be kept on ICU or ventilator.
Is there anything to worry about considering the age of Dilip Kumar? Answering this question, Dr. Parkar told ABP News, “In terms of age, nothing can be said about any person. But Dilip Kumar is a fighter, he is very strong and he will come out of this situation soon.”
When questioned about the discharge status of the veteran actor, Dr. Parkar told, “Dilip Kumar might get discharged from the hospital in 2-3 days.”
Dr. Parkar tells ABP News about the decision to hospitalize Dilip Kumar, “Dilip Kumar's wife Saira Banu had consulted Dr Nitin Gokhale and me to get him admitted to the hospital due to difficulty in breathing at home for a few days. Even after our request, he was admitted to the non-covid Hinduja Hospital in Khar. At the behest of Saira Banu, I have come to the hospital even today to monitor the health of Dilip Sahab.”
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