New Delhi: The winner of the third season of ‘DID Super Moms’ is Varsha Bumra. She was one of the six moms that made it to the final round of competition for the coveted prize. She was awarded the trophy as well as a cash reward from Zee TV in the amount of Rs. 5 lakh, and the sponsor gave her Rs. 2.5 lakh. Throughout the reality show, Varsha was guided by captain Vartika Jha, who served as her mentor.
The name of the winner of DID Super Moms Season 3 was announced on September 25.
Winner of ‘DID Super Moms Season 3’, Varsha Bumra, is from Haryana and she and her husband both worked as construction workers for daily wages before appearing on the show. She had competed in many dance contests before she got married. She tied the knot when she was only 17, and now she's raising a boy who's five. Her husband and she wish to provide a better childhood for their kid.
Indian Express quoted her saying, “Someone who did not even have the position to speak to the security guard of a show like this, is today the winner. My only motivation was to ensure a better life for my son. And I am confident that we will have a good life after this. I would want to do something in the field of dance hereon.”
For the third season of DID Super Moms, the competition started with 12 participants and ended with six. Anila Ranjan, Alpana Pandey, Ridhi Tiwari, Sadhna Mishra, Sadika Khan, and Varsha Bumra placed in the top six to compete for the title.
On July 2, 2022, Zee TV debuted the third season of DID Super Moms. Jay Bhanushali, a well-known face on television, presented the reality show. The judges were choreographer and director Remo D'Souza, along with actress Urmila Matondkar and Bhagyashree.