New Delhi: Bollywood lyricist Javed Akhtar filed a defamation case against actress Kangana Ranaut last month accusing Ranaut of blaming the lyricist for not saying anything against Hrithik Roshan. The ‘Queen’ actress also alleged Javed Akhtar for threatening her to keep quiet and ask for forgiveness from the ‘Roshans’ as they are very powerful. On December 3, 2020, Javed Akhtar appeared before a Magistrate for physical verification in connection with the defamation case against Kangana for allegedly causing damage to his reputation.

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Now, according to the latest report, a court in Mumbai has directed the police to investigate the defamation complaint filed by the lyricist. A report in PTI reads, “A court in Mumbai on Saturday directed the police to probe the defamation complaint filed by Bollywood lyricist Javed Akhtar against actor Kangana Ranaut, and asked them to submit a report on January 16.”

Javed Akhtar’s lawyer told PTI, “The magistrate court on Saturday asked Juhu police to investigate the matter and submit their report on January 16.”

The complaint also said, “All these statements made by Ranaut have garnered views in lakhs and thus tarnished Akhtar's reputation.”

Reportedly, the veteran lyricist was also present in the court during the proceedings and in his complaint, he alleged Kangana for dragging his name while referring to a ‘coterie’ that exists in Bollywood following the death of actor Sushant Singh Rajput in June this year.

Meanwhile, Kangana is hogging all the limelight because if her fearless and controversial statements on farmers’ protest. She engaged in a Twitter war with Diljit Dosanjh over the same. Earlier today, the ‘Manikarnika’ actress took to her Twitter and shared a tweet which read, “Good morning to only those who love Akhand Bharat and don’t want it to break in pieces,Good morning to only those who know and care to understand the consequences of farmers bill and genuinely support it they are the real desh Bhakts and well wishers of Farmers,beware of frauds.”

On the professional front, Kangana has ‘Tejas’, ‘Thalaivi’ and ‘Dhaakad’ in her kitty.

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Stay tuned for more updates!

(With inputs from PTI).