New Delhi: Actress Chhavi Mittal was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. She has been quite outspoken about her cancer journey on social media and has kept her fans up to date with her recovery. The actress has gotten a lot of love and well wishes from her fans, but there have also been some nasty comments regarding her photos. 

A few days ago, Chhavi posted some photographs from her workout on Instagram; in which her breasts were partially visible in some of the shots. This infuriated several people, who then began criticising the actress for posing for images after undergoing breast cancer surgery.

Actress responded to online trolling by writing an elaborate Instagram note in which she explained that she is extremely proud of her breasts.

Chhavi began her note off by stating, “Here are 2 pictures which I shared on social media. The first one is my breast cancer announcement post, while the second is documenting my post-cancer recovery and progress. In both pictures I’m wearing the exact same clothes. In both pictures my breasts are a tad bit visible. In fact in the first one, I’ve taken my T-shirt off.”

Even though her breasts were less exposed in the post-surgery photo, she still got negative feedback. Several people dubbed her "not dignified." Chhavi went on to say, “I shared this with the world and documented every stage of my recovery (still recovering, still share). But while everybody thought it courageous of me to announce it the way I did, the second picture invited hate comments saying “sab kuchh share nahi karna chahiye”, “this is not dignified”, “dont know what she’s trying to be” etc”.

To the women who had commented on her photos about this, she labelled this "double standards." She wrote, “Let me tell you, dear women, coz obviously you don’t know it… Firstly, this is double standards. Secondly, the association that I have with my breasts is beyond explanation. I have fought a very hard battle to save them.. to keep them strong.. to make sure they function the way they should and to ensure that they’re cancer free forever.”

She went on to say that she will continue to document her achievements "unbashfully". She said, “If anything, I’m so damn proud of my body, not because of the way it looks, but because of the strength it has shown me. Because of what it allows me to do. And even more proud of my breasts, because only I know what they’ve endured and it’s no mean feat to not just be survivors, but fighters all the way. But for the ones who can only hear sob stories and underdog stories, let me remind you… this page is not for the faint-hearted. #breastcancerwarrior.”

Chhavi is a well-known actress who has been in a variety of series, including 3 Bahuraaniya, Tumhari Disha, and many more.