Veteran actor Zeenat Aman, who has shared screen space with Rajesh Khanna in films like ‘Ajanabee,’ ‘Aashiq Hoon Baharon Ka’, said that working with the superstar was initially quite daunting for her. In a candid interview with Film Companion, Zeenat, joined by veteran actress Shabana Azmi, opened up about her early experiences in the film industry and the challenges she faced. 

Zeenat Aman on feeling intimidated by Rajesh Khanna

Zeenat recounted feeling "totally intimidated" by the superstar status of Rajesh Khanna when she was just starting her career. She said, “I remember when I had just started in the film industry and Rajesh Khanna was the phenomenon. Oh my god, I mugged up all my lines so that I wouldn’t flub a single thing. I was totally intimidated by him but did I show him? Not at all. I went to him and I performed. So when I went back to my makeup room, I was like, ‘Wow. I just gave a shot with a superstar.’ I think that’s the right attitude to have.” 

Zeenat praises Shabana Azmi

During the interview, the host asked Zeenat and Shabana how they manage to ensure quality performances even when others on set are starstruck. Zeenat talked about the importance of preparation and confidence, sharing how she overcame her initial fear to deliver her best performance. She also highlighted the significance of collaboration on set, expressing her admiration for Shabana Azmi’s dedication and talent. Zeenat praised her co-star, saying, “This lady here (points at her)… she is a queen of performance. I had such a time just watching her work. She takes what is given to her and just rolls away. It was delightful.” 

Looking ahead, Zeenat Aman is set to appear in the upcoming film ‘Bun Tikki,’ alongside Abhay Deol and Shabana Azmi. The film is directed by Faraz Arif Ansari, known for ‘Sheer Qorma’ (2021), and is produced by Manish Malhotra’s Stage 5 Production.