New Delhi: ‘Jailer’, starring the legendary Rajinikanth, was released in theatres on Thursday, August 10. The action comedy has opened to sold-out cinemas throughout India, crossing the Rs 100 crore mark in only two days. Rajinikanth has begun his spiritual journey to northern hill regions and pilgrims immediately after the film's release. The 72-year-old made a trip to the Badrinath shrine in Uttarakhand on Saturday. The actor spent 30 minutes at the Badrinath temple, where he reportedly recited the Vishnu Sahastranam.
After the premiere of ‘Jailer’, Rajinikanth made his way to the Badrinath Temple in Uttarakhand, India. A video of the actor filmed outside the temple has gone viral. In a video that was published by PTI, the actor can be seen briefly talking with his devoted following. After greeting a few of his followers, he made his way up the steps to enter the temple. His security team, police and temple authorities accompanied him.
Take a look at the video:
Fans were visibly thrilled to see Rajinikanth, and the actor attracted attention to himself by wearing a bright blue sweater.
After a strong debut, Nelson Dilipkumar's ‘Jailer’ is doing phenomenally well at the box office. On August 10, moviegoers welcomed the new Rajinikanth film with open arms, setting off fireworks and covering the superstar's poster with petals. This is Rajinikanth and Nelson Dilipkumar's first time working together on a film. Actors like Mohanlal, Shiva Rajkumar, Tamannaah Bhatia and Jackie Shroff also star in the film. The song ‘Kaavaalaa’, which features Tamannaah Bhatia's energising performance, has already gone viral.
According to, the entertainment tracking website, the Rajinikanth-starring film is the third biggest opener of the year for all Indian films.
ALSO READ: Jailer Review: Rajinikanth & Nelson Make A Dual Mass Comeback In This Action-Packed Film