New Delhi: Actor Vijay Deverakonda's team filed a case against a YouTuber who disseminated false information about the actor on his channel. Days after the offending video was uploaded, the police acted swiftly and harshly to make sure the person removed the content from his channel. Hindustan Times reports that a FIR was filed after an Anantapur YouTuber spread false information on his CinePolis channel regarding Vijay Deverakonda and a female actor.

Vijay’s team said, “A few days ago, this individual spread vulgar news related to Vijay and another actress. The police promptly responded after their attention was brought to the disrespectful news. They located the person involved and let go of him post counselling and deletion of videos.”

His team further added that strict measures are taken to curb such incidents. They added, “Preventive measures are being taken to avoid such incidents in the future. Vijay is used to rumour-mongering but sometimes, people cross a line. He wants to set an example, especially when a third party’s name is also dragged in unfairly because it’s not okay.”

Vacation images of Vijay Deverekonda and Rashmika Mandanna were on display at the Hi Nanna event not too long ago. According to a video, everyone was taken aback when the pictures appeared unexpectedly on the large screen. Anchor Suma, the host, didn't seem to know about the pictures, and Mrunal was embarassed by the display. The rumoured couple's fans were not pleased with the turn of events.

Later, Hi Nanna star Nani apologised to the couple saying, "It’s unfortunate that happened. Even before I realised what was happening, the picture was taken down. We are all close friends. Vijay and Rashmika realise these things are happening. But, if someone was truly hurt by it, the team and I apologise for it.'

On the work front, Vijay Deverakonda is preparing for his next release The Family Star.

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