New Delhi: Bollywood actor Urvashi Rautela has recently moved into an extravagant bungalow located next to late filmmaker Yash Chopra’s house in Mumbai. The four-storey bungalow is reportedly worth Rs 190 crore and boasts of a lavish garden, personal gym and other amenities. 

The property shares a wall with Yash Chopra’s bungalow where his wife Pamela Chopra stayed until her death on April 20, 2023.  

According to ETimes, Urvashi was house hunting since many months and had zeroed down on a bungalow by the name of Celest in Lokhandwala Complex. Urvashi later changed ger mind and shifted to this bungalow in Juhu Scheme.  

The bungalow, where Urvashi shifted two-three months back, has an elegant exterior and the interior is a blend of modern aesthetics and timeless charm. 

Urvashi recently returned to India after attending the 76th Cannes Film Festival where her first appearance at the red carpet grabbed many eyeballs because of her alligator necklace.  

She made her first outing on the red carpet wearing a pink tulle gown designed by Sima Couture with tiered layers of floral ruffles. What caught everyone’s attention was her Cartier neckpiece featuring two intertwined alligators. She was trolled for the necklace and it also triggered a meme fest on the internet. 

The actor later reacted to the trolling in a chat with Brut India. She said, “People, who don’t have the right information, those are the people who are writing bizarre comments about it (her necklace). But people, who know about the history of that jewellery, it is such an iconic piece, they will absolutely fall in love with the crocodile neckpiece. Actually, it is a very iconic piece… You actually have to read about it, it is very historic. In fact, I wasn’t aware of this, but I got to know that it was worn by Monica Bellucci back in 2006 at Cannes. I had absolutely no idea about it.”   

Her the price of her neckpiece went up from Rs 200 crore to Rs 276 crore after she wore it at the red carpet. 

There were also claims that the actor wore a fake necklace not the original Cartier neckpiece, which was later denied by Urvashi’s team.