New Delhi: After his highly anticipated gigs in Bengaluru, which were cancelled due to technical difficulties, comedian and author Trevor Noah has finished his trip to India. On Wednesday, a US comedian posted an account of his trip to India on Instagram as he concluded his Off The Record tour. After making fun of Bengaluru's venue, where his standup show had to be postponed at the last minute, he specifically mentioned the city in his goodbye message.  

In a recent post, Trevor Noah posted pictures from Agra and Bengaluru among other places. In a series of photos, he can be seen visiting the Taj Mahal in Agra. He also posted a picture of Bengaluru's Vidhana Soudha, or legislative building. On Wednesday, the comedian posted numerous photos from his trip to India along with a thank-you note.

"What an experience it was coming and performing in your country for the first time. Thank you for sharing your rich history, your delicious cuisine and your fantastic arguments with me. Thank you to everyone who came out to the shows in Delhi and Mumbai because you made it truly unforgettable," he wrote in his caption.

In his post, Trevor added that he had a special message for Bengaluru. "Bangalore, our story isn’t done, I’ll be back and next time we’ll make sure it’s the best show ever," he wrote.

Trevor had postponed his show till September 27 and apologised to his audience for the inconvenience exactly one week before. On September 27 and 28, the Manpho Convention Centre was to host both of the scheduled performances in Bengaluru.