New Delhi: Tanuj Virwani and Tanya Jacob are soon to become parents. The actor made the announcement on their official social media handle that they are expecting their first child. Tanuj and Tanya shared the announcement on their social media handle with a picture of themselves. Tanya's baby bump is quite prominent in the picture.

Tarun opened up about becoming parents in an interaction with Hindustan Times. He told the publication, "Tanya and I go back a really long way. She is 32 and I am turning 38 this year. We were very clear that we wanted a child soon, so I think the moment we got married, we were like, let’s get to work now. It was definitely a planned pregnancy.”

Sharing that he wanted to keep the news to themselves and not tell the world, Tarun added, "We felt now was the right time to share the news and even if we didn’t announce it, people would have known because of the bump.”

Tanya and Tarun’s baby is due in September.

Tanuj Virwani on pampering his wife


Virwani also shared that he is pampering his wife in this phase of pregnancy. "It’s a magical time and no matter how much people tell you how married life would be, when you go through that journey by yourself, it’s beautiful. And all the emotions right now are dialed up to 100. We are just really happy,” he added that he cannot wait to embrace fatherhood.

“I always joke with Tanya that I was more ready to be a father than I was to be a husband.

Tanuj Virwani on his paternal instint

Virwani also shed light on his 'paternal instint' and said, "Even in my 20s, if I met a child, an infant or any friend’s kid, I would feel so protective of them, and go play with them. I always want to bring a smile to a child’s face and that comes to me very naturally. Finally, now that I have been given the opportunity to do that with my own child, I will leave no stone unturned.”