New Delhi: Actor Sunny Deol turned 66 today (October 19). This year has been great so far for the actor in his professional and personal life. While his film ‘Gadar 2’ was a humongous hit at the box office, his son Karan Deol also got married this year. Sunny’s wife Pooja Deol, who stays away from the limelight, was seen in the wedding photos with many fans seeing her for the first time. Sunny Deol got married to Pooja in 1984 and she has always stayed away from the media and infact has never been seen with the actor in any public event.
In an old interview with Deccan Chronicle in 2013, Sunny shared that it is Pooja’s choice to avoid public appearances. He was asked if men in Deol family ask their wives to stay away from the limelight. He had said, "That’s not true. Neither my mother nor my wife was forced to stay away from the limelight. My wife is her own person. She has always had the liberty to make her own decisions. To not make public appearances is her own call. Like I said, neither my father nor I have forced the women in our family to follow our rules."
In another interview with Filmfare, Sunny was asked about his female fan following and if it bothered his wife. The actor had said, “I’m sure she’s okay with my female fans. Pooja has been an excellent wife. She’s been extremely understanding about my profession. She’s been my strength in my dark moments. It’s not been easy for her but she has never complained. We’ve known each other for over 20 years and our relationship is just perfect today.”
Meanwhile, Dharmendra, Sunny’s son Karan and Rajveer and Bobby Deol showered birthday blessings on the actor on Thursday.
Dharmendra shared a video on Instagram Stories where he is seen sitting with Sunny, and both are holding each other’s hands. We can see Dharmendra saying in the video, “Thank you Sunny… I really enjoyed this trip with you. Take care. Happy days are there. Love you.”
Sunny replied to his father and said: “Love you too.”
His sons and brothers too took to Instagram and wished him on his birthday.