Veteran Bollywood actor Govinda and his wife, Sunita Ahuja, tied the knot when Sunita was just 18 years old, a time when Govinda was still striving to make a name for himself in the film industry. In a candid conversation with Hauterrfly, Sunita and her daughter Tina Ahuja opened up about their family’s early days, revealing details about their unconventional journey. 

Sunita Ahuja recalls getting married at 18

Sunita Ahuja reminisced about her early days as a young bride and mother. Having come from a nuclear family, transitioning into a bustling joint family after marrying Govinda was a significant change. “When I got married to Govinda, he had a big family. I got married when I was just 18. I was 19 when Tina was born, so I was still a child when I had the baby,” she said. 

Govinda had made it clear from the start that his mother would remain the head of the household during her lifetime. Reflecting on this, Sunita shared, “At that time, I was too much in love with my husband. He had told me prior that my house will be headed by my mother till the time she is there. After she is gone, then you can do what you want.” 

Adapting to a joint family 

Sunita spoke about adjusting to life in a joint family, which included Govinda’s nieces and nephews. “Then I got used to the other kids (Krushna, Vinay) being in the house. They were all very little. I am very fond of kids. My heart does not allow me to say that Govinda’s mom is not there, let me throw everyone out,” she said. Sunita also expressed her belief in karma, saying, “I thought if you perform good deeds, god will watch, even if the kids don’t.” 

“Just because I used to love my husband Govinda a lot, I put up with everything,” Sunita admitted. 

Sunita's father didn't attend her wedding with Govinda

Tina also opened up about her mother’s life before marriage, painting a vivid contrast to the life Sunita chose with Govinda. “My mom used to wear hot pants, lived in Pali Hill, and came from a very rich background. My dad was not that financially strong. He was struggling from Virar,” Tina revealed. 

She further explained that her maternal grandfather, a wealthy man, was initially against the match. “It was a very Bollywood story where he told my mother, ‘Are you crazy? He is an aspiring actor.’ He didn’t even attend the wedding because he was not too happy with the whole thing,” Tina recalled. 

Sunita tied the knot with Govinda on March 11, 1987. She is the sister-in-law of Govinda's uncle, Anand Singh.