Popular comedian and actor Sunil Pal, who went missing for several hours on Tuesday, has safely returned home. His wife, Sarita Pal, confirmed his return and claimed that Sunil was kidnapped. The matter has been reported to the police, and investigations are ongoing. 

Wife claims Sunil Pal was kidnapped

In an interaction with ETimes, Sarita shared, “Sunil ji is back home. Sunil ji gave his statement about the kidnappers to the police after coming. Police is helping and supporting us. Everything is fine with him. The rest of the matter we will soon open up to our well-wishers once police allow us after the complete statement procedure and FIR.” 

Details of the incident 

According to reports, Sunil had traveled outside Mumbai for a performance and was expected to return home on Tuesday, December 3. When he failed to return and couldn’t be reached, his wife contacted the police for assistance. Hours later, Sunil reached out to his family, informing them he was safe and on his way back. 

Speaking about the situation, film trade analyst Girish Wankhede said that Sunil mentioned facing a “problem.” He added, “But he is out of it. He is now taking a flight from Delhi to Mumbai.” 

By late Tuesday evening, Sunil had reunited with his family. His wife also informed a paparazzo, “Sunil ji see baat ho gayee (I talked to Sunil). He talked to the police.” 

About Sunil Pal

Sunil Pal rose to fame in 2005 after winning the first season of 'The Great Indian Laughter Challenge', a reality show that catapulted him into the limelight. Since then, he has appeared in several Bollywood films, including 'Hum Tum', 'Phir Hera Pheri', 'Apna Sapna Money Money', and 'Bombay to Goa', primarily in supporting roles.