New Delhi: On his daughter Suhana Khan's most recent shot, Shah Rukh Khan gave some lovely compliments. Suhana Khan and Shah Rukh Khan are now preparing for the premiere of their ambitious new ventures. The actor posted an adorable note for Suhana on Instagram Stories while he is still promoting music of 'Jawan'.

He expressed how happy he was to see her in his favourite setting: in front of the camera. Suhana was seen posing with a kitty in a BTS photo that Shah Rukh shared of her from a recent photoshoot.

"Lovely to see you in my favourite place Suhana front of the camera. Looking comfortable and pretty. Literally glowing. So proud of every you! Uh! But your co-star, the cat maybe needs a bit of a coaching in facing the camera. Haha," Shah Rukh wrote.

Suhana shared the same picture on her Instagram Stories with the caption, "I love you Shah Rukh Khan and I'm so excited for what's coming next but I think the cat is purr-fect."

Shah Rukh Khan's action-thriller 'Jawan' is slated for release on September 7, while Suhana's first film, Zoya Akhtar's live-action musical 'The Archies', is scheduled to premiere on Netflix precisely three months later, on December 7. 'The Archies' is based on the popular American comics of the same name. The cast, which also includes Khushi Kapoor, Vedang Raina, Mihir Ahuja, Aditi Dot, Yuvraj Menda, and Agastya Nanda, announced the release date.

On Wednesday in Chennai, Shah Rukh Khan will release the audio album for his upcoming film, 'Jawan'. Shah Rukh Khan, Vijay Senthupati, Nayanthara, Priyamani, Girija Oak, Sanjeeta Bhattacharya, Lehar Khan, Aaliyah Qureshi, Ridhi Dogra, and Sunil Grover all appear in the Atlee-directed film 'Jawan'. Deepika Padukone will also appear in the film in a cameo appearance. 

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