Sidharth Malhotra recently responded to a fan's claim that caused a stir on social media this week. The fan alleged a fraud of Rs 50 lakh involving the actor's name. Sidharth urged his fans to stay cautious, revealing that the scammers had used his wife Kiara Advani's name to deceive the fan.
Sidharth Malhotra reacts to Fan's claim of being duped
In a social media post, Sidharth clarified that he does not endorse any fraudulent activities and warned his followers to be vigilant against such scams. He stated, "It has come to my attention that some fraudulent activities and scams are being carried out in my name on social media, with claims that these individuals are connected to my family or are my supporters."
Sidharth Malhotra further wrote, 'They are also asking for money from people in this name. I want to tell you that neither I, nor any member of my family nor any of my supporters are involved in such activity on social media. If you come in contact with any such fraud, then complain about it and do not let any kind of false information spread. My fans are my biggest strength. Your trust and your safety are paramount to me. Big love and hug.'
What's the matter
A fan named Meenu made a surprising claim on social media, alleging that she had been fed false stories. She was told that Sidharth's life was in danger due to Kiara Advani and that the actor and his family were threatened into marriage. Additionally, Meenu claimed that Sidharth was being physically and financially exploited by influential industry figures and that Kiara had performed black magic on him.
Meenu further explained that she was asked to help save Sidharth and was introduced to a fake PR team. She claimed to have sent money weekly to communicate with the actor, incurring a loss of Rs 50 lakh in her efforts to protect him from harm.
When Kartik Aaryan's fan got duped
A similar incident occurred with a Mumbai fan of Kartik Aaryan. Allegedly, this fan was swindled out of more than Rs 82 lakh by the fraudster, leading the case to the police.
In a shocking incident, a woman from Mumbai was duped out of Rs 82.75 lakh on the promise of meeting Kartik Aaryan. Media reports indicate that a woman from Goregaon was conned by Krishna Sharma in 2022. The 29-year-old fraudster assured her that if she invested money in his supposed film ‘Love in London,’ he would facilitate an introduction to Kartik Aaryan.
According to media reports, the Amboli Police have arrested a fraudster who charged fans large sums of money by promising to introduce them to Bollywood stars. This individual claimed to have close connections with celebrities and exploited people's desires to meet them.