New Delhi: Sidharth Malhotra recently engaged in a #AskSid session on Twitter. Fans asked several questions to the 'Shershaah' star about his upcoming movie with Kiara Advani, his favourite role, his favourite breakfast and more. Sidharth answered almost all in his rather candid and honest manner. Sidharth Malhotra is also celebrating 11 years in the industry.
When a user asked, "One word for all your Delhi fans! #AskSid @SidMalhotra," Sidharth answered, "Home ❤️."
Another asked, "Favorite character you’ve ever played? @SidMalhotra #asksid," to whichn Sidharth replied, "Capt.Vikram Batra 🙏."
When a user congratulated Sidharth for his 11 years in the film industry and wrote,"Many congratulations to you!! It’s been a beautiful journey so far and I have to say it’s a pleasure watching you grow and achieve all that you want. So many amazing years to come!! Stay wise, humble, kind, like you always are. We really look up to you :)
Meet me someday? #AskSid," to which Sidharth replied, "❤️ such kind words 🙏Big love n respect."
When someone asked Sidharth Malhotra, "What is a healthy snack you’d recommend for anyone throughout the day? #asksid @SidMalhotra," he said, "dry fruits 💪🔥."
Another user asked him "Hey Sid, do you like mountains or beaches?" to which Sidharth responded with, "Beaches #AskSid @SidMalhotra."
A fan even went to the extent of sharing pictures of dosa and poha and asked Sidharth, "What's your favourite breakfast,Poha or Dosa ? ❤️ #AskSid" to which Sidharth said, "dosa 👌."
When a fan asked, "@SidMalhotra When are we going to see our #SidKiara onscreen next? 🥹#AskSid," he said, "Will let you know 😉."
Another fan asked, "@SidMalhotra Action or Romance?? What do you feel more comfortable doing with... onscreen?? #AskSid," he replied with, "Romantic Action film."
Meanwhile, on the work front, Sidharth Malhotra was last seen in the Netflix film ‘Mission Majnu’ alongside Rashmika Mandanna.