Shahid Kapoor spoke about his career, family and managing on his own without the help of his father in the early years in Bollywood. In a recent interaction, Shahid Kapoor spoke to journalist Faye D' Souza on her YouTube channel where he spoke about how after the birth of Ishan Khatter, he struggles to get hold of his career and how his mother tried hard to get back to work and balance out everything. Shahid revealed that he was staying in 'rented houses' with mother Neeliza Azeem, and was 'too proud' to ask Pankaj Kapur for help.
In the interview, Shahid opened up about his early years of struggle in the industry and said, "I knew my dad and had a good equation, but I was with my mother since I was 3. When Ishaan was born, I was 14, and mom stopped working because she had to take care of him. She was 35-36 when Ishaan was born, and it isn’t easy having a child at that age. And being a working woman with a 14-year-old son, being in Mumbai, it was her second marriage… There was a lot happening with her at that time. It wasn’t like she could make a call and get me work. She was herself trying to get back to work herself, and it wasn’t easy. People just forget you.”
Neelima Azeem balancing work and being a single mum
Shahid went on to add, "She was struggling to balance all those things, and we were living in rented houses. I didn’t have a relationship with my father where I would allow myself to ask him… Having said that I had a great relationship with him, but I didn’t want to ask… That’s not how I wanted to do it. He was always there for advice and guidance, yes, but I wanted to do it on my own. I was very proud like that. This was the only route for me."
For those unaware, Shahid Kapoor went on to make his Bollywood debut as a dancer in Subhash Ghai's 'Taal'( 1999). Four years later, he made his debut as a lead in 'Ishq Vishk'( 2003) and won the Best Male Debut( Filmfare) award for his performance. Over the years, Shahid has established himself as a leading star.