New Delhi: Shahid Kapoor has always been very close to Rajesh Khattar. In a recent interview, Rajesh told a humorous story about Shahid as a kid. The actor, who was earlier married to Shahid's mother Neelima Azim revealed some interesting details about his stepson when he fell in love at the age of 9. According to Rajesh Khattar, Shahid Kapoor hung up a photograph of a girl he admired from school. He also said that he was worried Shahid might end up marrying the girl.

While chatting with Siddharth Kannan, Rajesh Khattar talked about the time Shahid had a crush on a girl at school. Rajesh said, “There was a girl in his school that he(Shahid Kapoor) liked. He got her photo and placed it at home. I was boiling after that, I was so scared. I did not know how to deal with it. I thought he was going to marry her or something. His mother calmed me down and said no, it doesn’t work like that. If there’s a photo, let it be, it won’t matter later. I had a different thought altogether. I used to think he’s such a handsome boy, who is she?”

In addition, he revealed another wonderful anecdote about Shahid. The actor said that Shahid has shown interest in taking dancing lessons at Shiamak Davar. However, he needed to get 80 per cent or above in order to join.

Rajesh said "Everyone knows now that Shahid wasn’t a brilliant student. His marks were average. We made one pact. He wanted to join Shiamak. So, I said, ‘Listen, if you get the percentage, 80 or so, then you do whatever you want. If not, then you have to listen to us and do what we say.’ This was our pact. That was the first time he scored more than 80." 

Rajesh also reflected on how he, Neelima, and Shahid were "absolutely like a normal family". 

Bollywood actor Pankaj Kapur is the father of Shahid Kapoor, who was born to him and his ex-wife Neelima Azeem. Neelima and Pankaj tied the knot back in 1979 but get divorced later. In 1990, Neelima tied the knot with another Bollywood actor Rajesh Khattar, and the couple had a son named Ishaan Khatter. However, their union did not last either, and the couple split up in 2001. 

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